Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 1

Hello everybody!

After a crazy slalom week we finally started freestyle discipline. Forecast for today was not super good but the wind was way more than that. Conditions were very hard. The wind was strong and gusty like never in 3 weeks. from 5kts to 35kts. In single elimination I was against Egor Popretinsky RUS 11. He was sailing very good and my heat was probably the worst ever. First my watch stoped working 1min before the heat and then I didn't get the gust to come fast upwind so already my start was finito. He advanced so I waited for the double. In double first heat was not hard against french sailor Potier. I advanced. Next one was Polet F 00. I had to work harder. Wind was down in the previous heat so I took 4.3. Mistake, wind picked up full power and I was strugling to pull my moves but I did it. Next one was Michael Rossmeier Aut 256 again (like in Lanzarote). Much harder heat but I pulled moves briliantllty and I advanced. I thought it's over...my power was almost on 0 when they decided they do 2 more heats. So I had to go again, this time against Sheffers from Holland. He is very good sailor, in EFPT current ranking 4. I started super good, pulled planing double spock 1h, toad,...but I was missing a shaka inside so I lost. I'm super tired now so...chill out. Have fun and get ready for some more action tomorrow.

Thanks for the photos to Olya Raskina RUS 14

Lep pozdrav vsem slovenskim spremljevalcem!

Danes smo končno prišli na vrsto freestylerji. Sestanek ob 10ih in štart ob 10.45. V enojni eliminaciji sem se boril proti ruskemu freestylerju Egorju Potretinskyju RUS 11. Vozil je odlično, meni pa je šlo vse narobe. Njprej mi je prenehala delovati ura tik pred hitom, nato nisem dobil vetra da bi prišel upwind...porazno. Izgubil sem in čakal na dvojno eliminacijo. V dvojni sem dobil dober žreb. Prvi hit francoz Potier. Drugi hit še en Francoz Poliet F 00. Pokazal sem veliko dobre akcije in napredoval. Naslednji nasprotnik... Michael Rossmeier AUT 256 avtor Trictionary-ja. Odpeljal sem neverjeten hit in ponovno napredoval. Moje moči so blie že čisto na ničli, ko so objavili, da bomo odvozili še 2 hita. Moral sem nazaj v vodo in v še eno bitko proti Davy-ju Shefersu iz Holandije. Davy je zelo dober freestyler, trenutno 4. v EFPT. Težka bitka...začel sem zelo dobro z dvojnim spockom z eno roko, toad, loop,...vendar je veter neverjetno pojačal in moj 3.7 je bil res prevelik. Manjkala mi je shaka proti obali za zmago. tako sem 13. po prvi dvojni eliminaciji, ki še ni končana. Bodite pripravljeni na še več akcije jutri. LP

Hvala Olyi Raskini RUS 14 za fotke


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